I think all of us here can agree on one thing and that is that God is our Father. I talked about that a few Wednesdays ago. The bible says that we should Honor our Father its one of the TEN Commandments found in Exodus 20:12 "HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER, THAT YOUR DAYS MAYBE LONG UPON THE LAND WHICH THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS GIVEN YOU." this is also the first commandment with promise as it says in Ephians 6:1-3 "HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER WHICH IS THE FIRST COMMANDMENT WITH PROMISE, " THAT IT MAYBE WELL WITH YOU AND YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH."
I know this is mostly talking about our earthly parents but the same goes for Father God we should Honor Him in all we do.
Are you honoring the Father? Are you Honoring Him in Everything you do? The Father wants us to honor Him in all we do so that He can bless us. He says in Malachi 1:6 " A SON HONORS HIS FATHER AND A SERVANT HIS MASTER. IF I AM THE FATHER WHERE IS MY HONOR? AND IF I AM THE MASTER WHERE IS MY REVERENCE? " One of the ways we can honor the Father is to tithe.
Tithing is not just giving money. When Abraham gave the fist tithe in Genesis 14 18-20 he gave of everthing not just the money
Are you giving just what is convenient for you or are you giving in a way that Honors Him? Are you giving your best? He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son His best. You cant out give God but you can give in a way that Honors Him.
There in Malachi 1:6 as I mention a min ago it says a servant honors his master. God said in Luke 16:13 "NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS FOR EITHER HE WILL HATE ONE AND LOVE THE OTHER OR ELSE HE WILL BE LOYAL TO ONE AND DESPISE THE OTHER. YOU CAN NOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON ! " The word mammon is translated as money wealth and property . Do you serve God or mammon?
If your serving God you will use you mammon to further His kingdom by giving to His Church, if you serve mammon you will most likely be using it for your own pleasures to do what you want instead of what God wants. Jesus said in Matthew 6:19 - 21 to not lay up treasures here on earth but to lay them up in heaven " DO NOT LAY UP TREASURES ON EARTH WHERE MOTH AND RUST DESTROY AND WHERE THIEVES BREAK IN AND STEAL; BUT LAY UP FOR YOURSELF TREASURES IN HEAVEN , WHERE NETHER MOTH OR RUST DESTROY AND WHERE THIEVES DO NOT BREAK IN AND STEAL, FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO" Where is your heart ?
We should all try to live a life that is free from the love of money it says in Hebrews 13:5(NIV) " KEEP YOUR LIVES FREE FROM THE LOVE OF MONEY AND BE CONTENT WITH WHAT YOU HAVE , BECAUSE GOD HAS SAID NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU" If you serve money it will leave you, it comes and goes but God reamins the same yeterday today and forever He will never leave you nor will he forsake you. He will provide everything you need.
If you serve money it can just like the enemy Steal Kill and Destroy. Jesus said that about Satan in John 10:10 "THE THIEF DOES NOT COME EXCEPT TO STEAL AND TO KILL AND TO DESTROY. I HAVE COME THAT THEY MAY HAVE LIFE AND THAT THEY MAY HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY." The love of money can destroy, kill and, steal. The love of God can give to you Abundantly He says in Luke 6:38 " GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU : GOOD MEASURE , PRESSED DOWN , SHAKEN TOGETHER, AND RUNNING OVER WILL BE PUT INTO YOUR BOSOM. FOR WITH THE SAME MEASURE THAT YOU USE IT WILL BE MEASURED BACK TO YOU." If you sow a samll seed you get a small return but as you are faithul to do so your seed will gorw to a harvest that is plentyful.
I was watching Kenneth Haggin the son on TV the other day and he explain it like this " if you have one Kernel of corn and you plant it one stock will grow and they say one good stock of corn will yield three ears of corn and that's say there is 351 kernels of corn on each ear Sometimes you have to start out small and then God will multiply it back to you by planting one seed you yielded 1053 kernels and if you plant two ears and keep one it will continue to multiply" this cleared it up for me I finally got what God was saying if I can just stay faithful to plant a seed I will reap a harvest that is beyond what I can imagine.
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