Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Your body is the Temple!!

The other morning as I was in my prayer time the Holy Ghost revealed to me, my body is His Temple and made me aware of things that I have been putting in His Temple. *1st Corinthians 6:19 "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own." Most of you know this scripture but have you ever really thought about it. Our body is His temple what kind of things do you let go into it not just food or drink but, things like the tv shows you watch, the kind of stuff you read, the stuff your hear. The temple is to be a place of prayer. *Matthew 21:13 " And He said to them, "It is written 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of thieves.'" Really by putting anything into your body that is not of God you are robbing your body of the power of the Holy Ghost. It is all comes down to this will you be known for being a house of prayer or a den of thieves.

*all quoted scripture is from the New King James Version

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Building a Home/house

So last night I was looking back at some of my old Journal entries and came across one I found to be so true, I had written back in May of 2009 That you can't build a home if you are constantly tearing down the walls. Wow, I thought the Lord had shown this to me before but for some reason it hit me again as I read it. A man in any marriage can be seen as the Home/House and the family he raises in that house would be the walls with the wife as the main support for him and the "house". So it comes to reason that If you want to build you can't tear down, So if you love your wife and your family build them up, lift them up, and they will be there as the support you need.

The Bible backs this up,"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" Ephesians 5:25 NKJV.

Also, "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord," Ephesians 6:4 NKJV

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Small Vision

The other night I was reading in the book of Matthew Chapter 6. As i finished up and took time to mediate on what I had just read I saw a vision of myself preaching in a church over Mt. 6:33 "Seek ye first....". It was strange because it was like i was sitting in the pew and watching a future self preach I had more gray hair lol, but the main part was as i finished my service i did an altar call and 5 people were saved that night and 3 people where baptized in the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues. Just something I wanted to share with you all.